• Donna - President

Are Your Medications Killing Your Sex Life?

There are libido-killing drugs that are decreasing arousal and inhibiting sexual performance in both men and women. You may want to consider switching medications, with your physicians consent, if you have any of the following meds in your cabinet.


These drugs are great at helping you stop sneezing…that’s because they dry up secretions – ALL secretions! That helps relieve nasal congestion, but since your vagina is lined with mucus-producing cells, it also makes it harder for you to get sufficiency lubricated , and that can put a damper on your arousal, says Lauren Streicher, M.D., author of Sex Rx. The fatigue caused by some allergy drugs can also crush your libido.

What can you do? If not taking the antihistamines is an option, try that. Use natural lubricants and have some fun experimenting with different lubricant products.


Medications are not created equal, and some may be better than others at helping you stay happy and keeping your sex drive intact. There is some research being done looking for the “Viagra” for women. Nothing conclusive as of yet. Always be honest with your doctor, you can’t be treated for something your physician doesn’t know is a problem. Something as simple as perhaps identifying when your spirits are up and keeping a journal of when’s the best time of day for you. Have open conversations with your partner and work TOGETHER to find a solution.


Opioids lower your testosterone levels and therefore your libido. These painkillers can also suppress sexual function in men and lead to difficulty with orgasm in both sexes. Again, limiting the amount taken (if possible) and what time of day could be the right solution to feeling fulfilled sexually.

Dr. Sitzman says that men taking opioids for long periods can supplement with testosterone injections. If a drug causes erectile dysfunction, they can experiment with another medication, such as Viagra, to counter that effect. Women who suffer from low libido or difficulty with orgasms may want to consider having their medication dosage adjusted or trying another kind.


Dr. Ramon B Neel Jr. says that while high blood pressure in itself can lead to sexual dysfunction, studies show that many of the drugs used to treat this condition also can cause sexual difficulties. In men, the decreased blood flow can reduce desire and interfere with erections and ejaculation. In women, it can lead to vaginal dryness, a decrease in desire, and difficulties achieving orgasm. Talk with your physician and your pharmacist. There is a solution for every problem!

There are many medications that are taken for a variety of other reasons including anxiety disorders, seizure management as well as eating disorders, attention disorders, etc. Always be honest with your physicians and be in constant communication with your pharmacist. You are responsible for knowing the medications that you are taking and YOU know yourself the best and what works and what doesn’t work.

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